each station, perceived lead changes. With over 14 angles in any
one round, Skeet quickly teaches the Beginner about perceived lead
and how to apply it. These lessons are then readily applied to
Sporting Clays. On any station, a Sporting Clays target can be
compared to a similar Skeet target, with the lead increased or
decreased according to the angle of the shot string and target
flight line.
For the Intermediate shot striving to improve his scores, it is important to
learn to apply the correct technique to match the target presentation. Like the
golfer who requires 14 clubs to best play a round of golf, a shooter approaching
a round of Sporting Clays requires the ability to apply all of the main shooting
techniques (Swing-through, Pull-away, Maintained Lead) to breaking the target.
And, like the golfer uses the driving range to learn what each club can do, the
Intermediate shot can use the Skeet range to learn the gun holds and insertion
points of the various techniques.